07 oktober 2012

October 2012

Shame on me - not blogging not nothing!!!  Well, sometimes life is not what I expected from myself.  I got tired about the blogging - I got bore about the blogging and the time for blogging was not there.  I do not now where it went - it just did!
I even got tired about the scrapping - I got bored about the scrapping.  Not because I didn't have a place to scrapp - I had a dream place to scrap.  The reason I got tired of the scrapping was my moving to the ground floor - I thougt that "that" would do my scrapping good - but it didn't. 
So I'm moving my scrapping studio upstairs again - there I can see all the way to Gjøvik and Elverum - there are view from the windows - there are sun and sky and ... well I feel much better scrapping upstairs!!

This wall is going to be my "Wall of Fame"!!  All my old pictures of my ancestores are going to be hanged! on that wall!  I'm going to paint it - you see the color in the right corner - vanilla!  Wow...

I wrote on Facebook today that The Sun was shining on me - and She did!!

Have a great evening - and do not forget to enjoy life...