09 januar 2009


One little Word STARTed this year - 2009 - with the word START. Here's my creation.

It's actually January on my calender that I scrapped - I'm doing some genealogy in my sparetime! so - on the left side it's a reminder over all the people that need a homemade card or for me to light a candle.
The jogging shoes are the - START - the key to my heart. I've tried them - I've been to a gym with them - I've jogged with them and they are okey! I might even enjoy - the shoes - in a while

It' Gudrun that STARted 2009 on OLW. She and Lene are just marvelous! And their making great papers - just look!

Have a good night . I'm going to a crop tomorrow - at Gjøvik - the first this year!

4 kommentarer:

Lynn sa...

awesome layout! Love it!!!!

Anne Bente sa...

åh.... og wawww total cool og lækker lo/kalenderside, super flot, ha en rigtig god weekend

Merete sa...

Wow!!! Lekkert!!!

gudrun sa...

Å, så flott denne Start-LO'en din er. :) Takk for at du ville være med på ukas ord denne gangen :)