10 oktober 2010

A Sunday in October 2010

I tried to blog everyday - it didn't work out - sorry!  I'm not a person who have time and energy to blog and talk and show pictures everyday - I kind of admire those who do. 

Where September went I don't know - it was here and now it's history!  Fall is here - we do have around 40 Farenheit degrees - the birches are turning yellow and then red and then their naked - and then wintertime.  I do the same as the Østerdalsbears - I "go to sleep in winter lair".  I'm not a winterperson - it's getting stronger every year - this thing against wintertime.  It's beautiful here in Norway - it's white snow and clear blue sky and it's freeezing cold!  I don't know why that's so good?  I like it warm and sunny and I like my lawn staying green!  

This time of the year here in Norway - proably many other places too - there are moose hunting - and many counties are kind of shut down because "everybody" are in the woods hunting European moose and having a blast!  They say - I don't know - I've never tried it.  Both my Grandfathers - Einar Karlotsen and Simon Andreas Johanson - did hunting - moose hunting.

I usually buy half a moose calf - it's delicious meat - try it!  Here's Varg getting his part of the moose.

Have a grat Sunday - Thank you for visiting this blog og mine - and do not forget to enjoy...

3 kommentarer:

RitaK sa...

Så flott og stor hund Varg har blitt. Tassen og jeg har vært på tur i skogen i nydelig høstvær i dag :-)

Berit sa...

Varg har all grunn til å være en fornøyd voffs! Stor og flott har han blitt å!

Godt ikke min "latsabb" ser han, kanskje hun hadde blitt helt yr...
Har akkurat vært på tur, og nå ligg ho langflat i sofa'n..

Go' uke!

Anne Bente sa...

nååååå såååå super flot hund du dog har.
mange klemmmer