25 desember 2012

Christmas Day 2012

A Very Merry Christmas to you all!  We spent Christmas Eve togheter with my mother and my brother.  Ribbe, pølse og surkål! Roasted spareribs!!, sausages and sour cabbage...all Norwegian style.

We have plenty enough of snow...the blue sun has vanished and it's dark outside.  The fire place is warm...the mittens are on...yes it's Christmas and winter in Norway.

...even my diningroom is getting there...
Have fun and do not forget to enjoy...!

09 desember 2012

9. December

Så tenner vi to lys i kveld, to lys for håp og glede
De står og skinner for seg selv 
og oss som er tilstede
Så tenner vi to lys i kveld, to lys for håp og glede
Av; Inger Hagerup
Så tenner vi det andre lys
da kan vi bedre se.
Vi venter på at Gud, vår far
skal gi sin sønn hit ned.
Av; ukjent

So far - so good!

04 desember 2012

4. December

Today a colleague of mine and I visited another colleague.  She is at the hospital and very sick.

It was so good to talk to her.  Even when she get tired very fast.

Theese hearts are for her.  She deserves them.
You kind of feel that life is very tender and fragile.
Hope she can be home for Christmas.  I am so glad I know her.

03 desember 2012

3. December

It's Monday today - and my Pusur / Garfield says; I hate Mondays. 
First, it was freezing cold outside - about minus 3 / three Farenheit - then my beautiful Golf had a flat battery - I knew that - but I hoped it would last a little tiny bit longer.  Late for work but the serviceman fixed my car - he almost washed it, too!

At work I had to skip an impotrant meeting - buying a brand new battery instead.  So now my old Golf is kind of very new one - like this one!  ...in my dreams...my sweet dreams...
After dinner and ready to read newspapers - I always read todays newspaper on my PC - but not today - it was down - like my cars flat battery.  Even Garfield do not know all the words I located in my vocabulary!  But you all now I have the worlds best son - and he fixed my PC even thoug he's at Hadeland.  He is the best!
This Santa is climbing on my roof - hoping to reach the chimney within Christmas - I hope he does because I really want a Beetle - a red Beetle!  Enjoy...


01 desember 2012

1. December

This will be my Advent Calendar - I'm hoping to write every day until Christmas Eve!  Taking pictures too.
Today I have to do! my wall of IKEA cupboards.  Making myself a place for all my stuff - collected over fifty years. 

I hope Nichlas and I can have Christmas dinner here...we'll see!  Last week-end Nichlas and I went to Hadeland Glassverk to get the Christmas feeling.  And we did!  It's a great place for the whole Family.  And I love thees small "nissene"
Later today I'm going to Actic...getting fit for Christmas and 2013.
Have a wonderful 1. Day in Advent...enjoy...!

20 oktober 2012

Later in October 2012

A week ago - there were Totentreff - a fantastic event twice a year - this time I couldn't paticipate because we had to close down Evja before wintertime.  Hope you all had a great time Totengirls!

Last winter we got new neighbors at Evja - well not just neighbors - the kind that occupied some of our birches - just look!

Well, I guess The Beaver Family likes our birches - but this one was a little bit too big!  So this birch is floating in Evja - our Marshy Bay.  But you see, the beavers they do not like to get trapped - and this Beaver Family are one clever one - they have to be - they live in Osdalen

Do you see the road - the path from the Marshy Bay to the Nordre Osa River?  I just hope they don't divide the land in two?!
We do not have fences around Evja, except towards our neighbors in north - it has something to do with Norwegian laws and wilderness and other political stuff here in Norway.  Anyway - my father had kind of a humor! - the picture tells it all! 
No fences - but a Gate!  Have a wonderful Saturday - and don't forget to enjoy...whatever you like!!

07 oktober 2012

October 2012

Shame on me - not blogging not nothing!!!  Well, sometimes life is not what I expected from myself.  I got tired about the blogging - I got bore about the blogging and the time for blogging was not there.  I do not now where it went - it just did!
I even got tired about the scrapping - I got bored about the scrapping.  Not because I didn't have a place to scrapp - I had a dream place to scrap.  The reason I got tired of the scrapping was my moving to the ground floor - I thougt that "that" would do my scrapping good - but it didn't. 
So I'm moving my scrapping studio upstairs again - there I can see all the way to Gjøvik and Elverum - there are view from the windows - there are sun and sky and ... well I feel much better scrapping upstairs!!

This wall is going to be my "Wall of Fame"!!  All my old pictures of my ancestores are going to be hanged! on that wall!  I'm going to paint it - you see the color in the right corner - vanilla!  Wow...

I wrote on Facebook today that The Sun was shining on me - and She did!!

Have a great evening - and do not forget to enjoy life...