31 desember 2016

The Last Day in 2016

A year ago, January began. I do not like that month, neither do I like November or December as months. It's cold, it's snow and the sky is like the movie "The Day After" I saw that film in Oslo with my sister. It scared me.
This picture is taken in my driveway at Ottestad, nothing like Kansas...

February, gives me colors and the sun is coming back, from I do not know! It's luckily a short month, because it can be very cold her up north in Norway.  Every year we go to our cabin to see if "Evja" is okay.  She always are!

This year Easter was in March, pretty early.  I like Easter best in April, gladly the decision is not mine to take!  But the sun is back and the snow is usually melting and goes away. We were not raised as a mountain, skiing, orange and Kvikk Lunsj family around Eastertime. I didn't mind.

In 2015 I bought myself a new car. An electric car. He does not know that he is not a Tesla. So therefor we have to plug in and get some "fuel" My EGolf is a fun car to drive. He and I need some more time  together when we drive for a long ride, but a good book helps!

You know, Finnskogen has always fascinated me! The old Finnskogen, the people that lived there, the things that are there - but you can not see them. The feeling of been watched, the feeling of ancestries souls and the mysicism. In May my mother and I spent a week at Finnskogtoppen Velværehotell. It was just like getting a new and fresh spirit. Enjoyable.

This last June I got a chance to go back in historie an see my Gamleveien" again. I visited my fathers siblings at Flisa. I left "Gamleveien" in June 1969. I was only ten years old and I thought and I belived that there will always be a "Gamleveien" But I was wrong. My childhood ended here in June 1969. Moving to anthoter place, to another part of the Norway was horrifying. But I survived. I am strong. I do not know if "Gamleveien" is the same anylonger...? We move on.

Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree was a song from 1973. My old oak tree from 1980 fell down in June and she gave me quite some work...

I was baptised at Grue Finnskog Kirke / Revholt Kapell in 1959! Since 1970 there have been Finnskogdager at Svullrya. But I have never been there. July is a month when you shall do and does everything and nothing. This June we ended up in Åsta Holts world and The Republic of Finnskogen. It was great.

August is my vacation month. It's the month of the year that matter. This year we went "hollidaing" at Sweden, we saw Gøteborg, Ullared, Lammhult, Jønkøping, Gränna, Karlstad and Alsters Hemgård. Among other places. Doing some painting at "Evja"  And having garden party on my new porch. That is someting we must repeat every August to come!

This September was filled up with good memories. We at Utvandrermuseets Venneforening had the plaesure to hostess FNM's annual meeting. It was a great event and we went to Atlungstad Brenneri, Domkirkeodden, Jernbanemuseet and Norsk Emigrantmuseum at Ottestad. It was great.

As a forrest owner at "Evja" we have to take care of our trees. This one will in twohundred years become a wonderful tree.

Some "time of" with my co workers from HedEmarken. They are just the best in professional houskeeping!

And of course - the biggest supercharger station for Tesla opens at Nebbenes nearby E6.

This October we vent for a carride to a bakery in Lom. We drove up north to Gudbrandsdalen. Back home we did Valdresflye. I have never done that before. But I have done "my Gjende" at Gjendesheim...a long time ago.

November is a month. And I am like a bear - I cuddle in a winter lair. But first I painted my kitchenfloor white. I wonder if I shall paint it grey...

Then this years last month is nearly ended. It's just a few hours left before our new year is here. I like Christmas. I like my Christmas to be red and green and goldish. I like a lot of candles. I like it when the fireplace is on. I like being inside a warm house. I like doing genealogy.

So thank you for this wonderful year of 2016 and welcome 2017. 
Happy New Year to you all and do not forget to enjoy...

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